Sunday Celebration
Bible-Centered Teaching... We know that people are not saved on the basis of our opinions or well-wishes. The Gospel Message cannot be com-promised by either "false winds of doctrine," nor by striving to be politically correct. It is the truth that sets people free. "We believe that Bible-Centered Teaching is absolutely essential to the discipleship process!"
Worship... Jesus said that our heavenly Father is seeking worshipers who who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23) Therefore, the focus of our worship is more about the object of our affection and less about the style of music. We sing and worship simply because our God is worthy and this is a practical way for us to express our deep affection for Him! "Our desire is to see generations of people, standing side by side, united in in making a joyful sound that brings glory to our God!"
Fellowship... The early Church of Acts met together on a daily basis; not exactly the habit of the Post-Modern Church. That said, we are missing out on the blessing associated with fellowship. Out fellowship with Christ should bind us together in a relationship that makes into a spiritual family. This helps us encourage one another; hold each other accountable; and provide the kind of community that raises up generations of people who are fully devoted followers of Christ. "We are dedicated to being a family in Christ where each person is valued and celebrated!"