Value Statement: To be a community of people who devote ourselves daily to a dynamic growing personal relationship with Jesus.
- When the word “discipline” is used, do you have a positive or a negative reaction to the word? (How would you describe the concept of “discipline?”)
- What come to mind when you think of the spiritual disciplines? (What are the current spiritual disciplines that you apply to your life on a regular basis?)
- What is the difference between mainstream “good food” and food considered gourmet? (How adventuresome are you in trying new foods and spices?)
- Do you feel that you have already explored and applied all the spiritual disciplines that are available? (There are mainstream spiritual disciplines; beyond that, there are spiritual disciplines that are outside the mainstream; such as meditation, specific fasting, writing and singing new songs, praying without the understanding, nature walks, etc.)
- What are some of the symptoms associated with spiritual immaturity? What are some of the root causes of spiritual immaturity?
- 2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV) Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
- “Do your best” is translated from the Greek word “spoudazō” (pronounced spoo-dod'-zo) Spoudazo means to make a diligent effort. In context this means that the fully devoted follower of Jesus is making a diligent effort.
- In terms of our spiritual life, what are some of the “where, how, what and why” to making a diligent effort to present ourselves as approved before God?
- Do something that you have a passion to do. (Pursue something that you love)
- Learn how to do it better than anyone else. (Master the discipline)
- Do it over and over again. (Repeatedly doing something that you are skilled at doing will build a great reputation)
The Spiritual Disciplines: The call to “make a diligent effort” to “be” a fully devoted follower of Christ will require spiritual discipline.
- Bible Study. This includes studying, reading, listening, memorizing and meditating on God’s Word. (Why is this necessary?)
- Prayer. The Bible tells us to pray always; and about everything. (Why is prayer necessary?)
- Worship. This includes singing, dancing, artistic expressions, playing of instruments, writing songs, writing poetry, etc. (Why is worship necessary?)
- Fasting. This is a method by which we intentionally crucify the flesh. (So, why fast?)
- Reading. This would be reading Apologetics, Church History, Commentaries and other books that deepen our spiritual understanding. (Why is reading helpful?)
- Fellowship. We are to be like iron that sharpens iron. (Why do you think fellowship is helpful?)
- What spiritual disciplines am I applying on a regular basis?
- What would need to change in my life in order for me to become a spiritual leader in my home, among my friends and in my church?
- Do you feel that you have grown spiritually in the last year? (What has changed?)
- In terms of your Bible knowledge; are you happy with your status quo or are you wanting to know more?